Recognize Cybercrime

Cybercriminals try to trap you in many different ways. Recognize the most common cybercriminals and learn how to defeat them.
t will happen to you: a hacker makes your unique and irreplaceable computer files inaccessible and you won't get them back until you pay a ransom. You are then a victim of ransomware.
Read more about ransomware
You get an e-mail from an (un)known sender, you click on the attached link as instructed, and you log on to the website. Cybercriminals are always inventing new ways to scam you via email. Through fake email, they entice you to open an attachment, click on a link or enter data. And they will make off with your data or install harmful software on your computer.
Read more about phishing
CEO fraud involves criminals posing as a high-ranking manager or director. Typically, a financial administration employee receives an e-mail from the executive asking for a large sum of money to be transferred to a foreign account. There is a rush and it goes outside normal procedures.
Read more about CEO fraude
It's very easy from behind a desk: sharing an embarrassing photo of someone or posting a hurtful comment. Or even worse, when the angry words come in via direct messages, making them even more invisible. But such behavior is not normal. Whether it involves yourself or another person.
More about cyberbullying
"So what are the chances of me getting hacked?" Bigger than you think: you don't pay attention for a moment and suddenly there is malware on your laptop. Hackers often target weak spots in human behavior. Like walking into a building and pretending to work there. Or trying to make conversation by asking you about your first pet, to gather information and hack your password.
More about social engineering
It’s so easy to circulate an embarrassing photo or post a hurtful comment from behind a desk. Worse still, malicious words may be sent directly to the intended victim to keep...
Read articleRecognize fake websites
You’re looking for information about a product. You click and read and then click again. The next day, you find you can't log in. Pre-occupied with your search, you didn't...
Read articleEveryone can be a hacker
Before you know it, there’s malware on your laptop. Simply because you left your desk for a while - maybe to get a cup of coffee. Nothing wrong with that,...
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